Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Previous Methods of the unCHAOS Process

      Today I thought I'd discuss what I've tried in the past.  Have you ever heard the term CHAOS?  (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)  Well I first discovered this acronym on FlyLady's website:  (  ) and I knew instantly that's how I felt.  That was just a little over three years ago.  I was pregnant with Lexton and had Hyperemesis Gravidarum.  Basically I would vomit about every half hour, and continued to do so for the first half of my pregnancy.  Everything was a mess, I couldn't get any sleep and couldn't get anything done.  It was horrible.  I tried everything to calm my tummy down and get back to doing the things I needed to.  That's where FlyLady helped me.  With her system everything is broken down into teeny tiny baby steps, bite size morsels of things to get done.  Which at that time, was exactly what I needed.  And I absolutely love the idea of a control journal.   But then, I stopped feeling as sick.  I finally got to sleep at night and during TJ's naps and I just felt better.  So then her system, felt a little too broken down for me.  I felt like I needed more, to be able to do more without feeling like I was skimming her system instead of following it.  So I stopped.  And then Lexton was born and I had CHAOS again.

      A few weeks later I had everything under control, and kept it that way for a while, but then we moved, then moved again, and then again (within just a few months... Yeah I should have been a Gypsy!)  And my system fell apart.  We were in a new house and I was overwhelmed with boxes that needed put away, when I didn't have enough room to put them away.  I eventually did get it all done, and then I found out I was pregnant with Cullen, and then I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and went into preterm labor at 22 weeks.  So I was put on bedrest, for the next 14 weeks I wasn't allowed to be out of bed any more than I had to be.  Tommy would bring the boys in on the bed, so I could read to them and cuddle before they went to bed.

       Once Cullen was born, I decided I needed a new system, I knew I wouldn't stick with FlyLady and felt I needed something more.  That's when I discovered the Slob Sisters.  ( Pam Young and Peggy Jones   )  I ordered their book off Amazon (Sidetracked Home Executives), and the day it arrived read it cover to cover in less than an hour!  Their book lets you know you really aren't alone!  They use a cardfile system, which worked for me for a little while, and it was nice to have everything in one central compact place.  And it was also really great of them to have outlined task lists in the back of the book so when making your own you run less of a chance of forgetting anything.  But for me, having a whole bunch of little index cards staring at me to get them done, was overwhelming.  How on earth could I ever get it all done?!

      So although I have used and loved both of these systems, I couldn't seem to put them to use in the long run as circumstances changed.  So my new plan is to take a little from what I learned from each of them, and coming up with my own personal management system.

      Do you have a system you use to manage your home?


  1. Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome - love it, and I've suffered for years. I'd be interested in your new system as I cannot imagine how the card system would work for me.

    1. I posted some of my ideas for my new system today. I think I'm going to love this! Feel free to try it for yourself. Once I start really getting things made up I'll share everything!

  2. I know that feeling! I focus on one room a day until it's how I want it. Once done I move onto the next room while giving the completed rooms a quick tidy up on a daily basis. Only way I can cope with the load. Routine helps too!

    1. I've used the room a day system, and I'm actually thinking about branching from that idea a little bit for my new system. And I need to be better about a routine for myself and the house. I'm pretty good with keeping my boys on schedule, but myself... Well that's a completely different sport, in another country!

  3. Well I have learned something new today - CHAOS.

    There are so many different things that can help us to keep on top of our stuff. Glad you were able to find a system that works for you now :)

    1. I know, I just love CHAOS. It's the best way to describe how the mess really feels! Life takes over and CHAOS just moves right in. But once you're aware, then you can take better action.

  4. Completely understand where you are. :) I like a combination of flylady and Getting Things Done (GTD) and I love clipboards. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I got the clipboard idea from you & it's absolutely brilliant! I am very excited to put this to use in my new system. It'll be so much easier to carry with me as I go about my day!
